Monday, January 14, 2008

Idea Seeds: Increase and Development

I'm coming up with some cool ideas for my portfolio and I am looking for ways to express them. In the past I was simply a designer that did normal layouts in Adobe Pagemaker, Indesign, and Photoshop. But one thing I noticed about my design was that I was a bit of an extremist. I couldn't get clean flat minimalist designs. Must have been my Libra roots (go figure). Remembering back I was always drawn to graffiti. And I can remember coming up with tags and putting them on the walls. I never thought of my self as an artist even though I had advanced art classes in high school and majored in art at college. One of the reasons I decided to get a degree from Eastern Michigan University was because I had two cool friends before I went to college. One was a graphic designer and knew Adobe Photoshop really well. He gave me the honor of showing me how to use the program. What was interesting was that I didn't even want to do design at the time and had no inclination for Photoshop. I didn't even pick my major yet at college. But the fascination of being able to manipulate images digitally became an inspiration that would never die. At the same time I was getting tutorials from my friend. Another friend of mine was inspiring me by his photography. I would hold blank stares into his images which seemed like hours. From there I grabbed my fathers Canon AE1 P camera and hit the streets. I think I must have taken over 200-300 rolls of film and about 50 came out ok and another 15 were really really good (or at least I thought). After showing the photos to the photographer friend he would tear the concepts and compositions apart pointing at the pictures screaming "focus, focus, focus!". Then there came the poetry where I would sit at my event less retail job at the African Shop and write poem after sections after notebook. I would write on anything. Now I want to blend them all together. And I often end up in department stores carrying Marc Bucanen's Ecko and just staring at the t-shirts wondering why didn't I think of that. I think the ideas just hit me and I would like for you to check back to see if I put them up. Everything is in sketch phase and i am doing just like that poetry, just like that photography, and just like my designs. Im constantly doing what it is. And whenever an idea hits me its going down on whatever I can get it on. I might just put up some of the sketches. Check back periodically.
and Thanx for reading.

1 comment:

Yoolees said...

Your blog is doing pretty well. But I have a suggestion if you don't mind. I think it's better if you make your post into small paragraphs instead of making it one long paragraph. What do you think?

A Blog of Thoughts and Opinions